Obedience to Guru-Prernamurti Bharti Shriji

Prernatirth Yatra- The inspirational Journey of life

Prernamurti Bharti Shriji – Obedience to Guru she is an inspirational to all for attaining Guru-Bhakti and Seva that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara …

Obedience to Guru

Even though you have lost everything in your life, every thing from you  is stolen than too you are the richest because you have ‘Sadguru’.  You have the Sadguru and Obedience to guru is your virtue than your future is brightened and glorious, you are not the looser , But the W INNER.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can at all be called a termination) in Self-realisation. You will have to go on serving the Guru. The Guru will reveal the Truth to you when your self-surrender is complete, when the time is ripe. But that is not your concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu on him, you will have to serve, serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow the Knowledge on you when you are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve their Guru for some years and then give it up foolishly imagining that they have attained Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge; they do not reach their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya), but Self-realisation is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great blunder.

Guru-Bhakti and Seva  takes you Across the torrential stream of Samsara 

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars to the boat of Sadhana that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara. You cannot do without them until you reach the other shore, until you attain Immortality and Eternal Bliss, until you become a Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests in you as Self-realisation; and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which you automatically engage yourself.

One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery, no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination. Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah.” “One who has Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to his Guru, to such a great Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be clear as crystal.”

May you all shine as the embodiments of Guru-Bhakti! May you all roam about freely as Jivanmuktas in this very birth! May God bless you all with health, long life, peace prosperity and Kaivalya Moksha!


The above life inspiring words are the excerpts of spiritual discourses by PRERNAMURTI BHARTI SHRIJI, who is a renowned spiritual leader …an inspiration beyond imagination. PRERNAMURTI BHARTI SHRIJI has undertaken and always strives best  for betterment and upliftment of the mankind through various religious  and socialactivities.clickfor Youtubechannel here.